Collaborative Divorce
February 27, 2023 at 5:00 AM

Divorce can be an incredibly stressful and difficult process. Fortunately, there are alternatives to the traditional divorce proceedings that can help couples manage the transition more amicably. One such alternative is a collaborative divorce. A collaborative divorce is a process in which both parties agree to work together to come up with mutually agreeable solutions for all aspects of the divorce, including child custody arrangements and asset division. Let’s take a closer look at this approach to separation.

How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?

A collaborative divorce is based on the idea that both parties should work together as opposed to two separate legal teams battling it out in court. Rather than going through litigation, couples commit to working collaboratively through each step of the process. This involves hiring collaborative attorneys who specialize in this type of negotiation and mediation. During these proceedings, each party will have their own attorney present who will provide them with legal advice without advocating for either side.

The goal of a collaborative divorce is to reach an agreement without having to go through litigation or arbitration in court. The couple meets with their respective attorneys and other professionals such as financial advisors and mental health counselors who will help them come up with solutions that meet both of their needs and interests. This approach allows couples to maintain control over the outcome of their case while avoiding costly court fees associated with litigation or arbitration.

What Are the Benefits?

There are several advantages to pursuing a collaborative divorce instead of traditional court proceedings:

It allows couples to save time and money by avoiding lengthy court battles and costly attorney fees;

It helps reduce stress levels by allowing couples to work through their issues in a more private setting;

It gives couples greater control over the outcome since they are able to craft mutually agreeable solutions;

It encourages communication between both parties so they can address any emotional issues underlying the dispute;

Most importantly, it gives families closure during difficult times so they can move forward with their lives without unresolved conflicts hanging over them.

Collaborative divorces offer couples another option when deciding how best to handle the dissolution of their marriage or relationship. By providing an alternative venue for resolving disputes, it allows both parties greater control over how they want things handled while eliminating much of the stress associated with traditional court proceedings. If you’re considering filing for divorce, consider exploring this option first—it could make your life much easier during an already challenging time!

Steve Buitron, Esq.